Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Cirque Du Soleil

Cirque Du Soleil

Last night I had the fantastic opportunity to see the Cirque Du Soleil show “Dralion” in Perth on Langley Park and I would have to say it was absolutely awesome. Really indescribable.

As always the show begins just before 8pm with the clowns running around and making fun of people and stealing peoples popcorn which, as long as it’s not mine, I think is funny. One of the clowns was looking at peoples tickets and then directing them to their seats, or so they thought. One poor fellow was directed to his seat and followed the clown only to find out that it wasn’t his seat and then the clown ran off with his ticket. Unpredictably, the man then started to chase the clown around but the clown wasn’t going to give him his ticket back without a fight. The poor guy was getting really annoyed, you could tell he wasn’t happy about being given the run around. The clowns then got on stage and started the show.

I don’t want to spoil it for the people who want to go and see it so I will just point out my favourites and not go into too much detail about it.

I loved the part where there were two women and one man on each side of the stage bouncing on trampolines. There was so much height and momentum in their bouncing they were literally running up the walls and landing on the top of the platforms. It was jaw dropping stuff and truly amazing. You could really tell they had put A LOT of practice into it as some of the stunts were so close and very dangerous to say the least.

I also enjoyed the costumes and makeup. As always they were fantastic and very well designed. I love how the show has a theme and even though it is a Cirque it follows a theme and story and is always very entertaing.

Another jaw dropping favourite was a performance entitled ‘Hoop Diving’. What looked like really young kids were diving through hoops of various sizes and heights. It was unreal how high and fast they could dive and run through these small hoops. To watch them do this and not a single one mess up was awesome. I was sitting there in disbelief. You can tell that they all work and train exceptionally hard and last night it had definitely paid off.

The final performance was skipping. These guys were the best. I couldn’t believe what they did. When you think of skipping you imagine a couple of kids doing a few jumps and that’s it. Well imagine that but pump it up on steroids! It was great, they did lots of different things including multiple ropes, standing on each other and even a three tier human pyramid while skipping! Then the last bit they did was amazing. There was this little man or child, not sure what he was, being spun really fast just balancing on his toes. He kept going and going with everything else on behind him. As this was the finale, I missed everything else that was going on as this little man was fantastic and worth watching. As a consequence I missed bits of the final scene. I think it’s the kind of show you have to see again so that you can see all the things you missed as so much is going on while the performers are doing their own bits and pieces.

All in all I would give the show a 10/10 and I would highly recommend that anyone who hasn’t seen a Cirque Du Soleil go see one. It is worth every penny and well worth taking the family to go and see.

I have now seen 4 of the 20 shows which is only because I found out about them a few years ago. I have seen three of them in Perth and one in Las Vegas. I look forward to going to Las Vegas again soon as they have 7 different shows at all different casinos on the Strip which means I can go and see more of them at one time.

Also one other thing before I go. I was really impressed with the Program as it was printed on 100% Recycled paper. It even states that because it was printed on recycled paper it has saved ... , which as a print broker I know how much this type of printing project would have cost. It would be over twice what it would have been to print on normal paper so a big congrats and thank you to Cirque Du Soleil for choosing this way to print their programs to help save the planet and environment. I think that deserves and great big thank you and an important mention, well done.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I look forward to giving you more interesting things to read.


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